randomRHYTHM is a recreation of a hardware module of the same name, without Swing, and with slightly expanded controls. There may still be bugs, so please let me know if you find one.
Choose a note for each channel, then choose a number on the probability slider. When you start Live's playback, each channel will generate a random number at the pace of the sub division.
If the number rolled for a given channel is greater than the number set on the probability slider, then that the chosen note will be triggered.
There are two rhythm sections, A and B. The two sections contain four channels each. Each channel contains a slider that sets the probability that the note will be triggered and a subdivision amount.
Channels 2, 3, and 4, on both rhythm sections can be independently delayed by a specified subdivision amount.
Press the Roll button to pre-generate a set of random numbers that each channel will independently cycle through at the pace of the selected subdivision. The amount of random numbers generated for each channel depends on the number of beats per measure. If Live is in 4/4, then 4 random numbers will be generated. If Live is in 11/4, 11 random numbers are generated, and so on.
(Nov 8 2023, 2:26PM MST):
- Fixed issue where the indicator light was not accurate when the Delay mode was enabled
(Nov 6, 2023, 8:12AM MST):
- Added visual queues for when a channel triggers a note, as well as the number rolled.
- Fixed issue where notes were firing off one beat after a passing comparison check. All notes now fire off on the beat they passed the comparison check on.
(Nov 6, 2023, 6:51AM MST):
- Added ability to save the state of the configured MIDI notes when removing and re-adding the device to a track
(Nov 5, 2023, 7:42AM MST):
- Added ability to pass midi notes through (previously, any MIDI notes played would not continue beyond the device)
- Added half-note subdivision
- Added quarter-note delay subdivision amount
Known Issues (and actively working to fix):
- When the device is loaded, it will trigger any configured midi notes once.
- When Delay is enabled and the transport is stopped, sometimes the note will trigger on the downbeat once before triggering on the delayed beat as expected.